CrimCheck is a company owned by South East Volunteers. CrimCheck is a web-based system to process police checks for staff and volunteers of the not-for-profit sector.
Saving Time and Effort on Police Checks
With CrimCheck, organisations can now complete Police Checks - faster, easier and more securely than ever before. If your organisation is not-for-profit, you may be able to utilise CrimCheck - the automated police checking service.
Criteria for registering with CrimCheck
Organisation Status: The Police check service provided by CrimCheck is available to DHS Funded Agencies and/or not for profit organisations.
Not for profits must provide evidence of their formal legal status as either an incorporated organisation under the Victorian Association Incorporations Act or as a not for profit company under the Federal Companies Act.
Insurance: The CrimCheck Service Recipient must have and maintain:
(i) Public/Property Liability Insurance to the value of $10 million;
(ii) Professional Negligence/Indemnity insurance to the value of $5 million
Fore more information telephone CrimCheck on 99550300
Please see the website for further information : www.crimcheck.org.au