GDVRS recruits volunteers from the local community and refers them to a volunteer position within a not-for-profit community-based organisation of their choice. Each potential volunteer is interviewed to determine their skill base, availability, and preferred area of interest. That person is provided with information about volunteer work available and offered training to assist them to make an informed choice about the type of volunteering they become involved in.
This process is important as it gives the volunteer and the GDVRS worker the information to find the right volunteer work for the right volunteer. This makes it a more rewarding experience for both the volunteer and the agency needing a volunteer.
Volunteers are recruited through promotional displays at local shopping centres, libraries, and clubs. Talks are given at schools, service/social clubs and neighbourhood houses to raise awareness of volunteering. Letters and brochures are sent to local doctors, community groups and schools making them aware of our services. National Volunteer Week which is held in May each year is used to promote volunteering as well as show appreciation to volunteers everywhere for the work they do.
To register your interest contact us or complete the online registration form