Project Manager Sarah Kelly with Round 1 participants Interfaith Network

Is your organisation interested in supporting volunteers with a disability?
Is your organisation looking to become more inclusive?
Our free program is here to help!
The Disability Inclusive Volunteering Project Coordinator will work alongside your organisation to improve recruitment, induction and support for volunteers with disabilities.
As a Participating Organisation in our Project, you will have access to three 1/2 day workshops, over four months.
The Project Coordinator will also deliver in-house support, working together on policies, procedures and practices to improve inclusive volunteering in your organisation.
For more information, check out our FAQ’s, or contact Project Coordinator Sarah Kelly on 0413 743 718 or To register your interest, please complete this form.
Feedback so far:
“Fantastic and well presented, clear and valuable information”
“It was great! I really enjoyed the workshop. I found the content delivered in a way that was digestible and accessible for me. The relaxed pace and approach provided a calm and enjoyable, non stressful learning environment.”
“Being disability inclusive is easier than first thought, great insights and relatable videos.”
“The information in the workshops have certainly helped us think and plan better.”